Calendario de eventos
Equivariant Bordism Theory and Applications
Julia Seminika, University of Münster
Viernes 25 de noviembre de 2022, 11:00 pm GMT-6
Resumen: We will take a closer look at K(Mfd) spectrum that was discussed in the previous talks. Recall that the zeroth homotopy group of the spectrum recovers the classical cut and paste group of manifolds SK_n. I will show how to relate the spectrum K(Mfd) to the algebraic K-theory of integers, and how this leads to the Euler characteristic and the Kervaire semicharacteristic when restricted to the lower homotopy groups. Further, I will explain how to construct the maps relating BCob, K(Mfd) and K^{cube}(Mfd) that spectrify the natural group homomorphisms relating SKK, SK, and the cobordism group.
(joint work with Mona Merling and George Raptis)
Contacto: Carlos Segovia