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Completion Theorem and a Counterexample to the Evenness Conjecture for Homotopical Equivariant Cobordism
Viernes 14 Octubre 2022, 01:00pm
Accesos : 242
Contacto Carlos Segovia

Equivariant Bordism Theory and Applications

Sophie Kriz, University of Michigan

Resumen: I will describe my construction of a certain “weak orientation class” and use it to derive a new relation between Borel and Mackey cohomology. (Some related observations were also made in [Hill-Hopkins-Ravenel: On the non-existence of elements of Kervaire invariant 1].) One application is a new completion theorem for complex cobordism modules that does not involve higher derived functors. Applying this result to Morava K(n)-theory, I will describe my recent counterexample to the homotopical version of the evenness conjecture for equivariant complex cobordism. I will also describe the relationship between this result and previous work on various forms of the evenness conjecture, including the recent theorems by Samperton and Uribe.