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Mixing internal and space-time symmetries
Viernes 01 Diciembre 2017, 12:00pm
Accesos : 210
Contacto Dr. Sergio Holguín

Seminario de Geometría

Expositor: Luis A. Wills-Toro (Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sede Medellín).

Abstract: After a brief discussion on No Go theorems, we consider graded extensions of the Poincaré algebra that include either SU(2)xU(1) or SU(3) rigid symmetries. We explore symmetries analogous to super-symmetry in that they generate space-time translations by iterations of dimension-ful generators. We construct differential representations of the algebra and covariant derivatives in super-space.
Lugar y fecha: Aula de seminarios IMATE-Oaxaca, viernes 1 de diciembre, 12hrs.