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Area dependent 2d QFT
Miércoles 19 Mayo 2021, 01:00pm
Accesos : 312
Contacto Carlos Segovia

Seminario de Categorías

Expositor: Ingo Runkel, University of Hamburg

Resumen: One beautiful result one learns early when studying the functorial approach to TQFTs is that in two dimensions, such theories are the same as commutative Frobenius algebras. One furthermore learns that in functorial TQFTs, state spaces are necessarily finite-dimensional. There are several ways to overcome this restriction, and in two dimensions, one possibility is to equip the surfaces with an area. The most famous example of such a QFT is 2d Yang Mills theory for a compact gauge group. Surprisingly, one finds that a very similar classification to the 2d TQFT still holds. Time permitting, I will also discuss defects in 2d area dependent QFTs, of which Wilson line observables in 2d Yang Mills are an example. This is joint work with Lorant Szegedy.

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